RGT Technology, LLC . . .



Part Number MCM-33.6
Manufacturer WINSYSTEMS
Category STD-BUS
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Wynsystems MCM-33.6 Fax/Modem Card Simple Type: Fax Board WinSystems’ STD Bus FAX/Modem cards are designed to directly connect to dial-up telephone lines. They support data rates up to 33600 bps with effective data modem throughput up to 115200 bps with MNP error correction and compression. The modem supports Fax Group 3 Send and Receive rates up to 14400 bps and supports T.30 protocol. The modems are fully compatible with the industry standard AT Command Set, providing access to a vast range of existing PC communication software. These boards offer a direct migration path for higher performance and lower costs from WinSystems’ MCM-2401/2496/ 9696/1414 Fax/Modem boards. Download the datasheet (PDF)

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