RGT Technology, LLC . . .



Part Number 100U Indoor
Manufacturer INGETEAM
Category PRODUCTS-1
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Ingeteam 100U Indoor Series Commercial Central Inverter, Isolated Topology 100 kW @ 45˚C (Rated Continuous Power) | 600 Vdc (Max. Voc) | 1 MPPT Circuit | 300-600 Vdc MPPT Range | 300 Vdc PV Start Voltage | 350 Adc (Max. DC Input Current) | 600 W Minimum DC Power Throughput | 208 | 480 Vac Nominal Output Voltage | 4-wire with Neutral AC Output Wiring | 317 | 137 Aac Max. Output Current | 2,559 lbs Weight | with Forklift, Eyebolts Lifting Provisions Simple Type: Commercial Central Inverter

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