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Part Number A8T84140-AMC
Manufacturer ASTEK
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Astek A8T84140-AMC 10Gbps Content Processor AdvancedMC board with Hardware-Optimized DPI Simple Type: AdvancedMC (AMC) Module The A8T84140-AMC, an Advanced Mezzanine Card (AdvancedMC™) that brings the performance of the LSI Corporation (http://www.lsi.com) Tarari® T1000 Content Processor to the PICMG® (http://www.picmg.org) xTCA market. The A8T84140-AMC board contains 4 high-speed LSI Tarari® T1050, low-cost application-specific standard products (ASSPs) optimized for Deep Packet Inspection (DPI), each of which boasts up to 512MBy of DDR2 Memory for pattern storage and state-full inspection, capable of performing DPI at wire-speed of 10Gbps.

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