RGT Technology, LLC . . .



Part Number ZT450PXI-00
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The ZT450 family is a series of high speed, low power modular digital storage oscilloscopes (DSO) for PCI, Compact PCI/PXI, and VXI. Built on state of the art data conversion technology with deep waveform memory, the ZT450 family delivers the best DSO performance in a modular instrumentation form factor. Setting the ZT450 family apart are its extensive benchtop DSO capabilities, such as flexible signal conditioning, advanced trigging, average and envelope acquisition modes, and on-board signal processing. The ZT450 family is the only modular DSO product with “benchtop instrument in a module” features for PCI, CompactPCI/PXI, and VXI. Simple Type: DIGITIZERS / DIGITAL STORAGE OSCILLOSCOPES (DSO'S)

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The ZT450 family is a series of high speed, low power modular digital storage oscilloscopes (DSO) for PCI, Compact PCI/PXI, and VXI. Built on state of the art data conversion technology with deep waveform memory, the ZT450 family delivers the best DSO performance in a modular instrumentation form factor. Setting the ZT450 family apart are its extensive benchtop DSO capabilities, such as flexible signal conditioning, advanced trigging, average and envelope acquisition modes, and on-board signal processing. The ZT450 family is the only modular DSO product with “benchtop instrument in a module” features for PCI, CompactPCI/PXI, and VXI. Simple Type: DIGITIZERS / DIGITAL STORAGE OSCILLOSCOPES (DSO'S)
The ZT450 family is a series of high speed, low power modular digital storage oscilloscopes (DSO) for PCI, Compact PCI/PXI, and VXI. Built on state of the art data conversion technology with deep waveform memory, the ZT450 family delivers the best DSO performance in a modular instrumentation form factor. Setting the ZT450 family apart are its extensive benchtop DSO capabilities, such as flexible signal conditioning, advanced trigging, average and envelope acquisition modes, and on-board signal processing. The ZT450 family is the only modular DSO product with “benchtop instrument in a module” features for PCI, CompactPCI/PXI, and VXI. Simple Type: DIGITIZERS / DIGITAL STORAGE OSCILLOSCOPES (DSO'S)
The ZT450 family is a series of high speed, low power modular digital storage oscilloscopes (DSO) for PCI, Compact PCI/PXI, and VXI. Built on state of the art data conversion technology with deep waveform memory, the ZT450 family delivers the best DSO performance in a modular instrumentation form factor. Setting the ZT450 family apart are its extensive benchtop DSO capabilities, such as flexible signal conditioning, advanced trigging, average and envelope acquisition modes, and on-board signal processing. The ZT450 family is the only modular DSO product with “benchtop instrument in a module” features for PCI, CompactPCI/PXI, and VXI. Simple Type: DIGITIZERS / DIGITAL STORAGE OSCILLOSCOPES (DSO'S)


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