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Part Number VMICPCI-7767
Manufacturer VMIC
Category VME
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VMIC VMICPCI-7767 CPU Board - cPCI SBC Processor Module Simple Type: CPU Board VMIC’s VMICPCI-7765 is a full-featured Dual Pentium III processor computer in a dual slot, passively cooled, Eurocard form factor that utilizes the advanced technology of Serverworks LE chipset running at a front-side bus rate of 133 MHz. The VMICPCI-7765 is compliant with the VME Specification Rev. C.1 and features a PCI-to-CPCI bridge, allowing the board to function in multi-CPU systems. The GE Fanuc / VMIC VMICPCI-7767-13100 is an embedded cPCI Processor Module with an 800MHz Pentium III processor with 2GB memory, LAN, 2 Serial COMM Ports, 64MB Flash and optional PMC Socket.

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