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Part Number VMICPCI-5661
Manufacturer VMIC
Category VME
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Fibre Channel Host Bus Adapter Simple Type: Fibre Channel Adapter VMIC introduces a CompactPCI (CPCI) Fibre Channel product that has applications in telecommunications, signal processing, sensor I/O, scientific and medical imaging, parallel processing, and distributed computing. The VMICPCI-5661 Fibre Channel HBA is ideal for embedded applications in these areas that require high throughput. This product maximizes throughput while minimizing transfer latency and host processor overhead along with combining the delivery and repeatability of a channel with the connectivity and protocol multiplexing of a network. This HBA CompactPCI is based on QLogic's 2200 chip, providing both SCSI and IP protocols with software driver support for Windows NT, Linux, Solaris, and VxWorks. A network throughput of more than 100 Mbyte/s is provided on 1.06 Gbaud fiber-optic or copper serial link. PCI performance of 528 Mbyte/s is provided with a 64-bit wide 66 MHz PCI interface. VMIC's drivers add TCP/IP, including UDP to the supported protocols. Fibre Channel Host Bus Adapter. Download the datasheet (PDF)

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