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Part Number VMIACC-0576
Manufacturer VMIC
Category VME
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VMIC VMIACC-0576 CompactPCI Rear Transition Utility Board for CPCI-7696 and CPCI-7697 Simple Type: Rear Transition Module (RTM) The VMIACC-0576 is designed to be used in conjunction with the VMICPCI-7696, -7697, and -7710, VMIC’s CPCI single-board computer (SBC) products. The VMIACC-0576 mounts in the rear transition area of the backplane and provides access to the serial, USB, parallel, enhanced IDE, and floppy disk connectors by way of the J3 connector, and provides PMC I/O signals by way of the J5 connector. The CPCI J3 and J5 connectors carry all associated signals from the 6U front mount SBCs through the backplane to the VMIACC-0576 J3 and J5 connectors (see Figure 1). Download the datasheet (PDF)

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