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Part Number VMIVME-2532A
Manufacturer VMIC
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VMIC VMIVME-2532A 332-000113-427 Digital I/O - 32-Bit Digital I/O Module Simple Type: Digital I/O This board is designed with internal self-test logic. Special output test registers are provided to generate comparator inputs that may be used as a health test during off-line operation. The VMIVME-2532A also supports real-time testing to support fault detection and isolation to the board/bit level. The VMIVME-2532A is designed with data output loopback selection jumpers. They provide the capability of testing the output drivers. Utilization of this feature precludes the use of the digital inputs from the field (input logic is dedicated to testing outputs if the jumpers are installed). A special test mode bit is provided in the Control and Status Register (CSR) that enables the Output Test Register. Download the datasheet (PDF)

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