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Part Number VMIVME-4100
Manufacturer VMIC
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VMIC VMIVME-400 16-Channel 12-bit Digital-Analog-Analog Converter Board Simple Type: Analog Output Module The VMIVME-4100 16-Channel 12-Bit Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC) Board delivers ±10 V outputs with positive true offset binary input coding. The DAC Board features double buffered data latches, buffered voltage outputs, and selectable external or internal update control strobes. The DAC Board may be ordered with Built-in-Test hardware that can isolate the 16 analog outputs from field connections during diagnostic testing. In the test mode analog outputs are multiplexed to an analog test bus on the VME P2 backplane (user I/O pins) for analog-to-digital conversion by VMIC's Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) Board (VMIVME-3100). A front panel Fail LED is provided for quick fault location identification. Download the datasheet (PDF)

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