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Part Number VME-4122
Manufacturer VMIC
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VMIC VME-4122-analog board 8-Channel 12-bit Analog Output Board Simple Type: Analog Output Module The VMIVME-4122 is an Analog Output board providing 8-analog output channels, with 12-bit resolution. The VMIVME-4122 series are voltage output boards. The VMIVME-4122 is a 3U form factor board that fits in a VMEbus chassis. Each output has a dedicated Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC) assigned to it (two quad DACs). After system resets, the DACs are driven to zero volts and, the field connect bit is cleared. The VMIVME-4122 output is disconnected from the field wiring. The analog voltage outputs can be disconnected from the field wiring for off-line testing. The output range is jumper selectable. The Built-In-Test (BIT) is used to verify correct operation of the unit. Each output can be read back, using an internal 12-bit Analog-to-Digital Converter to verify it’s correct setting. Download the datasheet (PDF)

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