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Part Number VMIACC-BT10
Manufacturer VMIC
Category ACC
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VMIC VMIACC-BT10 DIN Rail Transition Module for Euro-DIN C 64-Pin, C 96-Pin, and C/2 32-Pin Connectors Simple Type: Transition Module The VMIACC-BT10 DIN rail transition module provides a high-density, Euro-DIN C connector to three-level terminal transition in an easy-to-use DIN rail mount form factor. As shown in Figure 1, the VMIACC-BT10 simpli?es ?eld wiring interfaces by providing convenient lift clamp-style terminals while preserving the space ef?ciency of a pin-and-socket I/O board interface. I/O boards and transition modules can be interconnected by either cost-effective mass-terminated ?at cables, or by specialty cables as the application demands. The following VMIC I/O boards are directly compatible with these modules. Download the datasheet (PDF)

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