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Part Number MDL-16166-SS-LV
Manufacturer VARITRONIX
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Varitronix MDL-16166-SS-LV LCD MODULE 16X1 STANDARD | Series - MDL(S)-16166 | 16 x 1 - Display Format | 5 x 8 Dots - Character Format | Display Type; TN - Twisted Nematic | Display Mode; Reflective | 6.30mm H x 3.15mm W - Character Size | 80.00mm x 36.00mm x 11.00mm (L x W x H) - Outline Dimensions | 64.50mm L x 13.80mm W - Viewing Area | Backlight; Without Backlight | 5V - Supply Voltage | Operating Temperature; -5 C ~ 50 C Simple Type: Display Download the datasheet (PDF)

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