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Part Number MRK-200ST-BK
Manufacturer VANTEC
Category PC-CASES
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Vantec MRK-200ST-BK EZ Swapmodel MRK-200ST-BKSATA black Aluminum removable rack w LCDtemp Simple Type: Accessory The EZ-Swap 2 Serial ATA version is as convenient as mobile racks get. The EZ-Swap 2 SATA features the ability to directly connect your SATA hard drive without going through any additional circuits. Simply place the hard drive inside the cartridge, screw it in place, and your done. The EZ-Swap 2 SATA also features keyed lock protection to prevent removal while in use. Since it uses SATA technology, the EZ-Swap 2 SATA is also hot swappable. Easy, convenient, and reliable, the EZ-Swap 2 SATA is the ideal SATA mobile rack.

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