RGT Technology, LLC . . .



Part Number SR-6047
Manufacturer ULTRARACK
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47U Universal mounting Rack for servers, networking and storage devices. Verstaile cabling pathway within the server rack frame, Heavy duty framework up to 1000 kg for SR Series, Unit markings, Rolls through 7 foot doorway. Simple Type: RACKS, CABINETS AND ACCESSORIES

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47U Universal mounting Rack for servers, networking and storage devices. Verstaile cabling pathway within the server rack frame, Heavy duty framework up to 1000 kg for SR Series, Unit markings, Rolls through 7 foot doorway. Simple Type: RACKS, CABINETS AND ACCESSORIES
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42U Universal mounting Rack for servers, networking and storage devices. Verstaile cabling pathway within the server rack frame, Heavy duty framework up to 1000 kg for SR Series, Unit markings, Rolls through 7 foot doorway. Simple Type: RACKS, CABINETS AND ACCESSORIES


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