RGT Technology, LLC . . .



Part Number D2525P37
Manufacturer TRIQUINT
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Triquint D2525P37 Wavelength-selected D2525P ISOlated DFB Laser Module With PMF ; Simple Type: Integrated Circuit The D2525P family of DFB laser modules is designed to be used with a lithium niobate external modulator (see Table 5). The laser module features a polariza-tion-maintaining fiber (PMF) pigtail, enabling it to be directly connected to a modulator without the need of a polarization controller. The PMF maintains the polar-ization of the output light to a consistent orientation. This allows the D2525P to be used as a CW light source for systems requiring extremely low chirp such as undersea or 10 Gb/s systems. The module contains a multiquantum-well (MQW), distributed-feedback (DFB) laser. This device nominally has an output power of 10 mW. The wavelength of the laser can be temperature-tuned for more precise wavelength selec-tion by adjusting the temperature of the internal ther- moelectric coole

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