RGT Technology, LLC . . .



Part Number C6110-1016
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Transition Networks C6110-1016 Network Controller - 1310nm single mode (SC), [60 km/37.3 mi.], Link Budget: 32.0 dB to (4) RJ-48 [1.5 km/0.9 mi.] Simple Type: Network Controller The ION 4xT1/E1/J1 copper to fiber network interface device (NID) provides a solution for those users that need to extend multiple T1/E1 connections over fiber. The ION 4xT1/E1/J1 supports Small Form Pluggable (SFP) transceivers to support a variety of fiber types, distances and wavelengths to provide maximum flexibility across a variety of network topologies. The use of Coarse Wave Division Multiplexing (CWDM) SFPs can be utilized to further increase the bandwidth capacity of the fiber infrastructure. The ION 4xT1/E1/J1 NID must be used in pairs. A typical installation will include a chassis card installed in the ION Platform locally and a standalone device installed at the remote location. Download the datasheet (PDF)

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