RGT Technology, LLC . . .



Part Number 612A
Manufacturer TOTAL CONTROL
Category PRODUCTS-6
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Total Control Model 612A BCD Keypad Entry Simple Type: Keypad Entry Model 612A Keypad is a high capability, multi-function data entry device compatible with programmable controllers and microprocessor-based digital control systems. The 612A has a 4 digit, red, .43” high LED display. Data is displayed as the operator inputs it. A fixed decimal point is DIP switch selectable. Three keypads are available: membrane, NEMA 4 full travel and NEMA 12 full travel. The membrane and NEMA 12 full travel keys are designed for 1,000,000 operations. The NEMA 4 full travel is industrially hardened for 4,000,000 operations. Keys are spaced at 3/4” intervals and provide operator feedback by blinking the display each time a key is pressed. All terminations are made via removable screw terminals or ribbon cable sockets conveniently located on the rear of the unit. Logic circuitry is contained on internal stacked boards so that physical protection to all components is inherent. The 612A has ten numeric keys, a Clear key and an Enter key. The 18 outputs are selectable for either sinking or sourcing operations when ordering. sixteen of the outputs are BCD data lines; the remaining two are Enter and Data VALID. The five optically coupled inputs include a strobe for each digit and an external clear input. The 612A can be operated from a 5, 15 or 24 VDC power supply. Logic, input and output voltage can all be different.

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