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Part Number V4G4aSA1122
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Thales Computers V4G4aSA1122 - Single-Board CPU | Quad-core PowerPC 7400 processor | 256 MB 6U VME Simple Type: CPU Board The VxG4 series represents another step forward in Thales Computers' technology progress. As the PowerPC™ experts, we continue to track the evolution of PowerPC technology and we provide a highperformance Computing Node based on the PowerPC G4 technology. With its AltiVec vector processing unit, the PowerPC 7400 (G4) is ideally suited for Signal Processing functions and leadingedge computing. To meet those requirements, the VxG4 series features two or four G4 processors. With more than 6400 MFlops in a single VME slot, these multiprocessor nodes deliver unprecedented performance and enable real-time processing of the most demanding data streams. Download the datasheet (PDF)

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