RGT Technology, LLC . . .



Part Number TBX714-1XID
Manufacturer TERIAN
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SBX82 Blade with 1x 2.80GHz/1MB Cache Xeon CPU, 1GB Ram, 36GB SCSI Hard drive, 10Krpm Kit for SBX82 Blade. 7U Chassis Intel SCBE, 17.5"x12"x28" 99-275lbs. ATI Rage XL, 8 MB Graphics embedded on each Blade. Dual IntelĀ® 82546EB PRO/100/1000 LAN per Blade. Up to 14- Dual Xeon Blade Servers, or 7- Quad Xeon servers in a single 7U Blade Server chassis. Simple Type: BLADE SERVERS; SUB-SYSTEMS, CONTROLLERS & ENCLOSURES

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