RGT Technology, LLC . . .



Part Number M101-150-8TRM
Manufacturer TELEWAVE
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Telewave M101-150-8TRM Low Loss VHF Transmitter Combiner, 148 - 174 MHz Simple Type: Transmitter Combiner The Telewave M101-150 Low Loss VHF Combiner is a unique, fully selfcontained transmitter and receiver combining system. The custom welded 24” steel frame provides a rugged enclosure for all system components. This integrated design allows channels to be added, retuned, or removed in the field at any time, without disrupting other active channels. The standard 24” x 48” rack handles up to 8 channels and 1 or 2 antennas. 10-inch High-”Q” cavities with dual isolators provide 75 dB isolation between channels, and the optional receiver panel can drive as many as 64 receivers from a single antenna. The PM8C2S wattmeter panel allows forward or reverse power monitoring for each channel, or total power to each antenna. Up to 8 transmitters can be remotely keyed with front panel switches. All components in this system are passive, except the optional receiver amplifier. Download the datasheet (PDF)

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