RGT Technology, LLC . . .



Part Number TC-24-25R
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Te Tech TC-24-25R Temperature Controller - Bi-directional, Computer programmable via RS232 communications port, Input voltage 12 to 36 VDC, temperature control Simple Type: Thermocouple Board The TC-24-25 RS232 is a bi-directional control for independent thermoelectric coolers or in conjunction with auxiliary or supplemental resistive heaters for both cooling and heating applications. The H-bridge configuration of the solid state MOSFET output devices allows for the bi-directional flow of current through the thermoelectric coolers. Highly efficient N-channel output devices are used for this control mode. This controller is programmable via an RS232 communication port for direct interface with a compatible computer. The easily accessible communications link permits a variety of operational mode configurations. Field selectable parameters or data acquisition in a half duplex mode can be performed. This controller will accept a communications cable length in accordance with RS232 interface specifications. The supplied software is compatible with Windows 95/98/XP/NT.

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