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Part Number SMS-CIF50
Manufacturer SYNERGETIC
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Synergetic SMS-CIF50 Series PLC Communication Interface Modules Simple Type: PLC Network Module The CIF 50 communication interface is an intelligent PCI card. The CIF 60 communication interface is an intelligent PCMICA card. It is used to manage data transfer protocols between a PC and various industrial controllers input/output units. With its built-in microprocessor, it handles the complete data transfer process independently, and thus relieves the PC of time-critical functions. The data is exchanged between the PC and CIF 50 via an 8k byte dual-port memory (DPM). This memory is accessed simultaneously by the PC and the microprocessor in the CIF. On each of the CIF 50 board there is a fieldbus chip that interfaces directly to the fieldbus network. In addition, the CIF 50 has a serial diagnostic interface. The CIF 50 runs a real time operating system, which manages the data transfer via the DPM and controls the time sequences. The fieldbus protocols (Profibus, DeviceNet, InterBus, SDS, CanOpen, …) functions are implemented in three independent tasks. These tasks are the physical layer and the USER interface. The physical access on the medium and the data protection is done by the ASIC. The CIF 50 can be used with any AT compatible PC that has a PCI slot.

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