RGT Technology, LLC . . .



Part Number SS2000MD4-M
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Superior Electric SS2000MD4-M Modular Step Motor Drive - Motion control, 3.5 Amp/phase, bi-polar PWM step motor drive Simple Type: Stepping Motor The SS2000MD4 and SS2000MD4-M are modular, 3.5 Amp/phase, bi-polar PWM step motor drives that provide excellent performance at speeds of up to 3000 RPM. Both models operate from a single 24 to 40 VDC power supply, and include a sturdy aluminum base with integral mounting bracket, making them ideally suited for a wide variety of OEM and multi-axis applications. The SS2000MD4 model is a full/half step drive that provides up to 400 steps per revolution, the ideal match for controls with limited frequency pulse rates. The SS2000MD4-M model includes microstepping capabilities that provides up to 20,000 microsteps per revolution for smooth, low speed operation.

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