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Part Number M1U51264DS8HC3G-5T
Manufacturer SUPER ELIXIR
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SUPER ELIXIR M1U51264DS8HC3G-5T 512MB Module DDR PC3200 non-ECC Unbuffered DDR400 Memory Module Simple Type: Memory Module M1U51264DS8HC1G, M1U51264DS8HC3G and M1U25664DS88C3G are unbuffered 184-Pin Double Data Rate (DDR) Synchronous DRAM Dual In-Line Memory Modules (DIMM). M1U51264DS8HC1G, M1U51264DS8HC3G modules are DDR 512MB modules organized as dual ranks using sixteen 32Mx8 TSOP devices. M1U25664DS88C3G modules are DDR 256MB modules organized as single rank using eight 32Mx8 TSOP devices. Download the datasheet (PDF)

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