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Part Number PCI-IDESI3114
Manufacturer SUNSWAY
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Sunsway PCI-IDESI3114 Adapter - PCI 4 Channel SATA controller Simple Type: Adapter The PCI-SATA-R provides Serial ATA Software RAID including Striping and Mirroring to enhance the industry’s first proven PCI-to-SATA host controller product. Two major challenges facing the storage industry today are keeping pace with the increasing performance demands of computer systems by improving disk I/O throughput and providing data accessibility in the face of hard disk failures. With the PCI-SATA-R Serial ATA host controller, both of these problems are solved. Raid Striping greatly improves hard disk I/O performance by concurrently Striping data across multiple drives. RAID Mirroring enables users to enjoy the confidence of data availability regardless of a single disk failure as data is simultaneously written to two drives. Standard with SATARaid software is a Graphical User Interface(GUI) that provides easy-to-use configurations for the different RAID Sets supported.

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