RGT Technology, LLC . . .



Part Number RTL8019AS
Manufacturer RMC
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Realtek RTL8019AS Full-Duplex Ethernet Controller -w/ Plug and Play Function Simple Type: Chipset The RTL8019AS is a highly integrated Ethernet Controller which offers a simple solution to implement a Plugand Play NE2000 compatible adapter with full-duplex and power down features. With the three level power down control features, the RTL8019AS is made to be an ideal choice of the network device for a GREEN PC system. The full-duplex function enables simultaneously transmission and reception on the twisted-pair link to a full-duplex Ethernet switching hub. This feature not only increases the channel bandwidth from 10 to 20 Mbps but also avoids the performance degrading problem due to the channel contention characteristics of the Ethernet CSMA/CD protocol. The Microsoft's Plug and Play function can relieve the users from pains of taking care the adapter's resource configurations such as IRQ, I/O, and memory address, etc. However, for special applications not to be used as a Plug and Play compatible device, the RTL8019AS also supports the jumper and proprietary jumperless options.

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