RGT Technology, LLC . . .



Part Number SG240
Manufacturer RHOPOINT
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Rhopoint SG240 Thermistor. NTC | Surge-Gard | 40 Ohms | +-15% Tolerance | 2 Pins Simple Type: Capacitor & Resistor Surge currents which occur when electrical circuits are switched on can cause serious damage to sensitive electronic components which may exceed their rated values unless the surge is controlled. Damaging surges may be prevented by using Surge-Gard™ inrush current limiters placed in critical parts of the circuit. Surge-Gards™ are a type of power NTC thermistor manufactured from a specially formulated metal oxide ceramic material which is capable of suppressing high inrush current surges. Connected in series with the load, at switch-on, the thermistor limits the current due to its relatively high cold resistance. As a result of current flow the thermistor heats, reducing its resistance value so that once the initial surge has been safely held off the resistance in the circuit is held at a low value to maximise efficiency. Download the datasheet (PDF)

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