RGT Technology, LLC . . .



Part Number RTL8139CL-LF
Manufacturer REALTEK
Category IC
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Realtek RTL8139CL-LF LAN Chip Simple Type: Chipset The RTL8139C(L)+ provides optional Boot ROM and MII interfaces, respectively for diskless workstations and extra applications such as Phyceiver and fiber connections. The chip is equipped with an ACPI (Advanced Configuration Power Interface) management function to provide efficient power management for advanced operating systems with OSPM (Operating System Directed Power Management). The RTL8139C(L)+ also provides a remote wake-up function by Magic Packet & Wake-up Frame to increase cost-efficiency in network maintenance and management. It supports the Cardbus interface for PC Card applications and is also an ideal solution for notebook/motherboard-embedded network design as well as for NIC card design. Download the datasheet (PDF)

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