RGT Technology, LLC . . .



Part Number ARGB1
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Reach Technology ARGB1 Controller - LCD Controller for TFT Flat Panels Simple Type: Graphics Card The ARGB1 Board is an LCD controller that accepts the standard analog computer VGA signal and drives an LCD panel and associated backlight inverter. It supports panels from QVGA through XGA resolution with either digital single or double pixel, or LVDS interface. It has flexible power and control options to drive almost any panel and backlight inverter combination. The board will accept VGA through XGA display settings and will scale to fit the display. In this way, the board converts an LCD panel into a multisync monitor. The board overall dimension is 4.25” by 4.85” and easily mounts behind most LCD panels. The low profile version has a maximum component height of 0.275” above the board for slim displays.

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