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Part Number P5000HX2
Manufacturer RADISYS
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Radisys P5000HX2 CPU Board - (EPC-2102) Single board computer, Intel Pentium, USB, Real-Time Clock, Flash Memory, Serial Ports, Parallel Port, PS/2 Simple Type: CPU Board The RadiSys P5000HX2 single-board computer provides the following features: Intel Pentium® processor: 100/133/166 MHz, 64-bit Classic Pentium (P54C) or 166/200/233 MHz, 64-bit Pentium with MMX™ (P55C) Intel 430HX PCIset 82439HX System Controller (TXC, or North-Bridge) 82371SB. PCI I/O IDE Xcelerator (PIIX3, or South-Bridge) Intel 82091AA Advanced Integrated Peripheral (AIP) 4 Mb (512 KB x 8) flash memory Level 2 write-back cache socket for 256 or 512 KB pipeline burst. COAST SRAM Four SIMM sockets for up to 256 MB scaleable DRAM. Note: The P5000HX2 supports Parity/FPM or Non-Parity, ECC, or up to 128 MB EDO Two serial ports (one RS-232 only; one RS-232 or RS-422) Parallel port (AT-compatible/bi-directional/enhanced operations.) Floppy drive controller PCI EIDE hard disk drive controller. PCI Adaptec AIC-7880 UltraSCSI controller. Download the datasheet (PDF)

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