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Part Number Endura RB945G
Manufacturer RADISYS
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Radisys RB945G CPU Board - Endura 945G ATX Pentium 4 Motherboard Simple Type: CPU Board The Endura RB945G ATX motherboard is based on Intel’s 945G second-generation PCI Express chipset. PCI Express is the latest high speed serial interconnect standard. For example, a PCI Express x1 slot delivers 500 MB/s, over 3.5 times the bandwidth of a conventional PCI slot at 133 MB/s. In addition, the 945G has integrated fourth-generation graphics with Intel Graphics Media Accelerator (GMA950), which supports widescreen LCD displays, accelerated DirectX 9 and has new 3D graphics capabilities. The RB945G has a x16 PCI Express graphics slot for applications that need to use the latest graphics acceleration cards. This slot can also be used with an ADD2 card to provide a second independent video channel. Download the datasheet (PDF)

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