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Part Number BL1800
Manufacturer RABBIT
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Rabbit BL1800 3.5" Low-Cost Single Board Computer - Serial Ports, Digital/Analog I/O, 29.5MHz Rabbit 2000 microprocessor, 256K Flash EPROM (other versions available) Simple Type: CPU Board The BL1800 Jackrabbit is a small, easy-to-use, single-board computer that offers reliable hardware for embedded applications. The BL1800 delivers a Rabbit 2000 micro-processor operating at up to 29.5 MHz and 24 CMOS-compatible I/O, 3 analog channels, and 4 high-power outputs, all on a 3.5” X 2.5: (89 x 64mm) PC board. Three of the high-power outputs can sink up to one amp each and are protected for direct driving of inductive loads. There are two RS-232 ports and one RS-485 port support serial communication rated at 15 kV for ESD protection. The fourth serial port is a 5 V CMOS-compatible programming port that can also be used in the user’s application after program-ming is completed. Five 8-bit timers and one 10-bit timer with two match registers are onboard. Four of the 8-bit timers can be cascaded from the first timer. A real-time clock (RTC) provides time/date data, and a watchdog supervisor is standard. The BL1800 features a switching regulator that provides a wide range of input voltages (8–40 V DC), reducing power consumption while minimizing heat. (A linear regulator is featured on the BL1810 and BL1820 versions.) Programming the BL1800 Programs are developed and debugged with Rabbit’s industry-proven Dynamic C® software. The programming device is connected via a serial cable, a USB cable. Comprehensive debugging support includes break points, watch expressions and many other extensivefeatures oriented toward real-time embedded systems programming. An extensive library of drivers and sample programs is provided, including a royalty-free TCP/IP stack for network and Internet communications as well as full source code for most library routines. Development Kit The BL1800 Development Kit contains software and hardware tools needed to begin design including a demo board, Dynamic C software and documentation on CD-ROM, User’s Manual with schematics, serial cable for programming and debugging, AC adapter (US/Canada only), wiring assembly and friction-lock crimp pins and housings (standard crimping tool sold separately). Download the datasheet (PDF)

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