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Part Number 101-0461
Category PRODUCTS-1
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Rabbit Semiconductor 101-0461 CPU Board. BL2100 | Single Board Computer (SBC) Simple Type: CPU Board The BL2100 series is available in four flexible configurations, which feature 40 digital I/O, 3 RS-232/485 serial ports, and a battery-backup for the real-time clock and SRAM for protected data. In addition, the BL2100 and BL2120 models include 11 channels of 12-bit resolution A/D input and 4 channels of 12-bit D/A output. The BL2100’s 16 digital outputs can sink/source up to 200 mA and are configurable in Dynamic C, an easy-to-use C environment. An optional 7-key 122 x 32 graphic display is available as a cost-effective user interface (a panel-mount, water-resistant NEMA 4 version is also available). The BL2100 boards come standard with screw terminals which, can support 14 AWG wiring or other options such as IDC or friction lock headers. Download the datasheet (PDF)

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