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Part Number 2536
Manufacturer OCTAGON
Category PRODUCTS-2
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Octagon Systems 2536 Digital I/O - 5600–96 digital I/O card, These lines interface with logic devices, switch inputs, LEDS, and industry–standard opto module racks. Simple Type: Digital I/O The 5600 is a low–power Micro PC expansion card that provides 48 or 96 channels of digital I/O. All channels are TTL compatible, and are implemented with selected 82C55 chips. These lines will interface with logic devices, switch inputs, LEDs, and industry–standard opto module racks. The lines are grouped into six or twelve ports of eight lines each. For the 5600–48, four of those ports can be programmed as inputs or outputs on a port–wide basis. Two of the ports can be programmed as four lines of inputs and four lines of outputs each. These numbers are doubled for the 5600–96. Octagon has a variety of opto modules and termination boards for easy access for field wiring. Use isolator modules when driving or receiving signals from high voltage and/or high current devices. Opto–isolation also eliminates ground loops and significantly reduces the chance that noise will invade the system. Download the datasheet (PDF)

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