RGT Technology, LLC . . .



Part Number AC Motor Run Capacitor
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Nueva Generación AC Motor Run Capacitors Simple Type: AC Motor Run Capacitor The Nueva Generación (NG) DRY A.C. MOTOR RUN CAPACITORS are manufactured with a dielectric material that consists of two sheets of segmented or non segmented polypropylene film; each one with a thin layer of vacuum deposited metal on one side. Metals are selected according to final application including aluminum, aluminum/zinc or zinc, only any of them acting as an electrode in the capacitor; because this metal is just a few hundred angstroms thick, it has a very limited current carrying capability at any single point in the dielectric. To compensate this limitation, the entire edge of each electrode is bonded by a metalized endspray that has a relatively high current withstanding capability. The endspray serves as the termination point of the electrode. This current capability is enhanced by soldered or welded end terminations.

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