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Part Number Peak 550R1
Manufacturer NEXCOM
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Nexcom Peak 550R1 Half-sized Pentium P54C/P55C up to 233MHz AIO SBC with VGA, 512KB pipe-line Cache, SiS 5598 Pentium PCI chipset, up to 128MB EDO/FP, socket for DOC, ISA MAX and ISA Gold Fingers Simple Type: CPU Board The Nexcom PEAK550 a half-size single board computer built with high performance, Pentium CPU and compitable, high performance PCI Bus and I/O's. The brand new technologies in the pipeline burst cahce and the 3rd generation VGA with Unified Memory Architecture (UMA) are included. The PEAK550 can run with Intel Pentium processor up to 233 MHz, the brand new compatible CPU such as AMD K6; Cyrix M2 is also supported. Supporting memory up to 512KB, pipeline burst cache and 256MB EDO RAM, the PEAK550 generates great computing power. Download the datasheet (PDF)

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