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Part Number P-555-233-256
Manufacturer NEXCOM
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NEXCOM P-555-233-256 Full-Size Pentium SBC Simple Type: CPU Board PICMG Full-size Socket 7 Single Board Computer with Intel Pentium 233 MMX, CPU Cooler, 256MB DRAM supports up to Four IDE Drives, Floppy Drive Interface, One FDD port up to two floppy drives, Serial Ports 16550 FIFO RS-232, One multi-mode parallel port (SPP/EPP/ECP), PS/2 Mouse Connector, 6-pin Mini-Din PS/2 Mouse connector, Keyboard Connector 5-pin header and 6-pin Mini-Din connectors, Built-in PC/104 expansion bus. Dimensions, 338 mm X 122 mm (131/4" X 45/6") Download the datasheet (PDF)

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