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Part Number FCI-1930
Manufacturer MYRIAD LOGIC
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Mercury/Myriad Logic FCI-1930 CPU Board Simple Type: Single Board Computer The Myriad Logic model FC-1930 is a high-performance single-board Fibre Channel (FC) adapter for VME and RACEway systems. Optimized for real-time applications requiring high bandwidth and low latency the FC-1930 provides a fully programmable, ANSI-compliant interface capable of supporting sustained 90 Mbyte/second transfers. The FC-1930 is compatible with FC Class 1 and 2 operation and is designed to connect high- performance real-time VME/RACEway systems to RAIDs, general purpose computers, or other real-time systems in arbitrated loop, point-to-point, or switched topologies. The FC-1930 incorporates a 1.063 Gbit/second Gigabit Link Module (GLM) to implement FC layer 0. The GLM is replaceable allowing the FC-1930 to be configured for operation with multi-mode fiber (for transmission up to 1 km) or single-mode fiber (for transmission up to 10 km). Download the datasheet (PDF)

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