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Part Number MVME167-033B
Manufacturer MOTOROLA
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Motorola MVME167-033B VMEbus CPU Board | Single Board Computer (SBC) | with 33 MHz, 16MB ECC DRAM, MC68040 32-bit Microprocessor | with 8KB of cache, MMU, and FPU Simple Type: CPU Board The MVME167 is a double-high VMEmodule based on the MC68040 microprocessor. The MVME167 has 4/8/16/32/64 MB of parity-protected DRAM or 4/8/16/32/64/128/256 MB of ECC-protected DRAM, 8KB of static RAM and time of day clock (with battery backup), Ethernet transceiver interface, four serial ports with EIA-232-D interface, four tick timers, watchdog timer, four ROM sockets, SCSI bus interface with DMA, Centronics printer port, A16/A24/A32/D8/D16/D32/D64 VMEbus master/slave interface, 128KB of static RAM (with optional battery backup), and VMEbus system controller. The I/O on the MVME167 is connected to the VMEbus P2 connector. The main board is connected through a P2 transition board and cables to the transition boards. The MVME167 supports the transition boards MVME712-12, MVME712-13, MVME712M, MVME712A, MVME712AM, and MVME712B (referred to in this manual as MVME712X, unless separately specified). The MVME712X transition boards provide configuration headers and provide industry standard connectors for the I/O devices. The VMEbus interface is provided by an ASIC called the VMEchip2. The VMEchip2 includes two tick timers, a watchdog timer, programmable map decoders for the master and slave interfaces, and a VMEbus to/from local bus DMA controller, a VMEbus to/from local bus non-DMA programmed access interface, a VMEbus interrupter, a VMEbus system controller, a VMEbus interrupt handler, and a VMEbus requester.

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