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Part Number EK03
Manufacturer MEN MIKRO
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ESM Starter Kit with Transmeta Crusoe TM5900 Simple Type: CPU Board Embedded System Modules are complete computers on a module. A final application consists either of a stand-alone ESM, an ESM with an application-specific carrier card and/or an ESM with additionally plugged PCI-104 modules. The EK03 is a starter kit that allows evaluation of the functions of the ESM EM05. The kit consists of the CPU module, an FPGA with additional I/O functions, the carrier card, DRAM memory, PSU, VGA and RJ45 to D-Sub cables, and an adapter for mounting a PCI-104 module. The EK03 provides versatile mounting options and can also be installed in a standard PC. After evaluation, the design overhead for each application is limited to I/O. Depending on the application and quantity it may be necessary to develop a simple carrier card, choose PCI-based standard components, load additional I/O functions into the FPGA, write software drivers for those additional functions, or design a housing. The EM05 is a powerful industrial PC designed to operate in harsh environments (-40 to +85°C, shock, vibration, humidity etc.) -- an ideal solution also for infotainment applications. It is controlled by the Crusoe TM5900 from Transmeta, a Pentium-like x86 with an integrated Northbridge. What makes this CPU attractive is its low power consumption of typically 5W at 800MHz and a long-term availability of five years. The EM05 is equipped with 512MB DDR RAM (133MHz) and a CompactFlash slot for scalable program storage. It provides two RS232 interfaces and two Fast Ethernet channels via RJ45 connectors at its front panel. Further I/O deriving from the onboard Super I/O controller such as USB, IDE, PS/2 etc. are routed to the I/O connector of the ESM by means of an FPGA. Additional I/O functionality is implemented in the onboard FPGA, comprising a graphics controller with 800x600 resolution and controllers for IDE, SPI and GPIO. The physical interfaces are accessible on the carrier board which is included in the kit. The ATX-compatible carrier board provides the mechanical platform, the power supply and the I/O connectors. It comes with one ESM slot and three PCI slots, which allow the use of standard extension cards in the PC. It is equipped with USB (front), a 9-pin D-Sub for RS232 or RS422 or RS485 (front) and connectors for IDE, floppy, PS/2, TFT, and VGA. Optionally, the floppy can be replaced by 4 SA adapters. Thus, further serial lines and CAN would be available via FPGA on the carrier. The ESM carrier also features an I2C EEPROM for the board ID and revision information. Download the datasheet (PDF)

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