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Part Number SonoAce R3
Manufacturer MEDISON
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Medison SonoAce R3 Portable Ultrasound System Simple Type: System The SonoAce R3 provides the image quality and features of a premium system at a fraction of the cost. The SonoAce R3 is brought to you by Samsung / Medison, a company whose name has been trusted in ultrasound since 1985. The SonoAce R3 is intuitive and easy to navigate with sophisticated software to increase workflow. The SONOACE R3 portable ultrasound is a full-featured portable digital color ultrasound system with virtually all the imaging capabilities of a cart based system. The SONOACE R3 portable ultrasound provides multipurpose applications including abdominal, vascular, small parts, obstetrics, cardiology, gynecology, urology and pediatrics etc. The system provides high quality of image resolution and sensitivity in all scanning modes including B/D/M/C mode. The system supports DICOM 3.0 and can be easily connected to PACS networking. Download the datasheet (PDF)

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