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Part Number Manufacturer Description Brand Price & Lead Time
VMIVME-3115 VMIC 12-Bit High-Throughput Analog Input Simple Type: Analog Input Boards Request Quote
VMIVME-3119 VMIC VMIC VMIVME-3119 16-bit Scanning Analog Input Board with Programmable Gain, Filter Cutoff, and Autocalibration Per Channel Simple Type: Analog Input Module Request Quote
VMIVME-3120 VMIC VMIC VMIVME-3120 Analog to Digital Converter Board Simple Type: Analog-to-Digital Converter Download the datasheet (PDF) Request Quote
VMIVME-3123 VMIC VMIC VMIVME-3123 16-bit High Throughput Analog Input Board 16 Channels with Simultaneous Sample-and-Hold Inputs Simple Type: I/O Module Download the datasheet (PDF) Request Quote
VMIVME-3124 VMIC Scanning 12-bit 32-Channel Analog-to-Digital Converter Board (3U) with Built-in-Test Simple Type: Analog-to-Digital Converter Request Quote
VMIVME-3125 VMIC VMIC VMIVME-3125 Isolated Scanning 12-bit 32-Channel Analog-to-Digital Converter Board (6U) with Built-in-Test Simple Type: Analog-to-Digital Converter Request Quote
VMIVME-3126 VMIC VMIC VMIVME-3126 High-Resolution, Isolated Analog-to-Digital Converter Board Simple Type: - TBD - Request Quote
VMIVME-4100 VMIC VMIC VMIVME-400 16-Channel 12-bit Digital-Analog-Analog Converter Board Simple Type: Analog Output Module The VMIVME-4100 16-Channel 12-Bit Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC) Board delivers ±10 V outputs with positive true offset binary input coding. The DAC Board features double buffered data latches, buffered voltage outputs, and selectable external or internal update control strobes. The DAC Board may be ordered with Built-in-Test hardware that can isolate the 16 analog outputs from field connections during diagnostic testing. In the test mode analog outputs are multiplexed to an analog test bus on the VME P2 backplane (user I/O pins) for analog-to-digital conversion by VMIC's Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) Board (VMIVME-3100). A front panel Fail LED is provided for quick fault location identification. Download the datasheet (PDF) Request Quote
VMIVME-4105 VMIC VMIC VMIVME-4105 8-Channel 12-Bit Multiplying Digital-to-Analog Converter Board Simple Type: Digital-to-Analog Converter Download the datasheet (PDF) Request Quote
VMIVME-4116 VMIC VMIC VMIVME-4116 8-channel 16-bit Digital-to-Analog Converter Board. Simple Type: Analog Output Module The VMIVME-4116 Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC) Board performs digital-to-analog conversion on 16-bit positive true offset binary or two’s complement coded words, with an analog output range of -10 to +10 V. This provides for a resolution of 305 µV for each digital input of 1 LSB change. The buffered output voltage settles to within 1/2 LSB in 10 µs. The DAC offers a Digital-to-Analog Integrated Circuit (IC) per channel. A Control and Status Register (CSR) is loaded by the processor and this register controls the functioning of the board. The CSR can be read by the processor at any time. The VMIVME-4116 board functional block diagram is shown in Figure 1. Each of the eight DACs is preceded by double-buffered data latches. The data latches allow versatility in the way the DAC analog output may be updated.There are three methods by which new data can be converted by a DAC. Each method is enabled/disabled by on-board jumpers and is further controlled by a CSR that must be loaded by the user Download the datasheet (PDF) Request Quote
VMIVME-4120 VMIC VMIC VMIVME-4120 12-Bit Analog Output Board Simple Type: Analog/Digital I/O Module Download the datasheet (PDF) Request Quote
VMIVME-4121 VMIC VMIC VMIVME-4121 8-Channel 12-bit Analog Current Output Board Simple Type: Analog Output Card Request Quote
VMIVME-4122 VMIC VMIC VMIVME-4122 8-channel 12-bit Analog Output Board Simple Type: Analog I/O Module Download the datasheet (PDF) Request Quote
VMIVME-4125A VMIC VMIC VMIVME-4125A System Test and Calibration (TESTCAL) Board with Bus Arbitration Simple Type: Test Card Request Quote
VMIVME-4132 VMIC VMIC VMIVME-4132 32-Channel Analog Output Board with Built-in-Test Simple Type: Output Module Download the datasheet (PDF) Request Quote
VMIVME-4140 VMIC VMIC VMIVME-4140 32-Channel 12-Bit Analog Output Board Simple Type: Analog Output Module Download the datasheet (PDF) Request Quote
VMIVME-4145 VMIC VMIC VMIVME-4145 High Speed Arbitrary Function Generator with Autocalibration Simple Type: Function Module Request Quote
VMIVME-4150 VMIC VMIC VMIVME-4150 Analog I/O - Isolated 12-Channel 12-bit Analog Output Board with Voltage or Current Outputs Simple Type: Analog I/O Module The VMIVME-4150 is a 12-bit Analog Output Board which provides 12þisolated high quality 12-bit analog output channels on a single 6U form factor VMEbus board. Each channel is electrically isolated from all other channels and from the VMEbus. Download the datasheet (PDF) Request Quote
VMIVME-901732 VMIC VMIVME-9017/32, Intelligent I/O Controllers (External Host Type) Simple Type: I/O Controller Request Quote
VMIVME-906432 VMIC VMic VMIVME-9064/32 Reflective Memory Intelligent I/O Controller Simple Type: I/O Controller Request Quote
VMIVME-906632 VMIC Intelligent I/O Controller (Single Board) Simple Type: I/O Controller Request Quote
VMIVME-9150 VMIC IIOC Communications Controller VMEbus Host Communications Link for Multiple Reflective Memory Intelligent I/O Controllers Simple Type: I/O Controller Download the datasheet (PDF) Request Quote
VMIVME-9300 VMIC VMIC VMIVME-9300 Universal I/O Controller Simple Type: Universal I/O Controller Request Quote
VMIVME-9300 FTIOS VMIC Fault-Tolerant Universal I/O Subsystems Simple Type: I/O Controller Request Quote
VMIVME-9300 RTSLC VMIC Real-Time Soft Logic Controller Simple Type: I/O Controller Request Quote
VMIVMME-9300 EMBEDDED VMIC VME-9300 Series (UIOC), Embedded Solutions Simple Type: I/O Controller Request Quote