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Uniform Source System LABSPHERE Labsphere Uniform Source Systems Simple Type: Uniform Source System Request Quote
USS-1200V-LL LABSPHERE Labsphere USS-1200V-LL "Starlight" Uniform Source Systems | Provides irradiance levels comparable to those of an m=0 star in the UV, VIS, and IR Simple Type: Uniform Source System Download the datasheet (PDF) Request Quote
USS-600 LABSPHERE Labsphere USS-600 Series Small USS | Uniform Source Systems | Exceptional Uniform Radiance for the Test and Calibration of Imaging and Non-Imaging Devices Simple Type: Uniform Source System Download the datasheet (PDF) Request Quote
USS-600C LABSPHERE Labsphere USS-600C AS-02451-301 Small USS | Uniform Source System | 0 - 2100 Luminance Range (cd/m²) 0 - 600 Luminance Range (ft-L) 0 - 6600 Illuminance Range (lux) Simple Type: Uniform Source System Request Quote
USS-600S LABSPHERE Labsphere USS-600S AS-02451-201 Small USS | Uniform Source System | 15 - 2800 Luminance Range (cd/m²) 5 - 800 Luminance Range (ft-L) 60 - 8700 Illuminance Range (lux) Simple Type: Uniform Source System Request Quote
USS-800C LABSPHERE Labsphere USS-800C Continuous Uniform Source System | Exceptional Uniform Radiance | for the Test and Calibration of Imaging and Non-Imaging Devices Simple Type: Continuous Uniform Source System Labsphere’s USS-800C systems center on an 8-inch diameter integrating sphere with a 2-inch exit port suitable for portable imaging systems and arrays. The sphere is coated with highly reflective Spectraflect® coated interior that provides a better than 98% uniformity. Both durable and highly stable over time, Spectraflect coating ensures the consistent integration of light over the lifetime of your sphere. The USS-800C systems provide continuous luminance output variability from zero to 9800, 13500, or 24000 cd/m2, depending on the model. A built-in photopic response photodetector continuously monitors the source luminance. Each system provides National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) traceable calibration. Download the datasheet (PDF) Request Quote