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CPU Board GESPAC GESPAC CPU Boards | Single Board Computers (SBC) | for Industrial Automation Computers Simple Type: CPU Board Request Quote
EXTCFL-58 GESPAC Gespac EXTCFL-58 Compact Flash Memory Adaptor | for ZA PCISYS-58/58X board Simple Type: Flash Memory Adaptor Request Quote
EXTIDE-58 GESPAC Gespac EXTIDE-58 Standard IDE Adaptor | for ZA PCISYS-58/58X board Simple Type: IDE Adaptor Request Quote
GESADA-1 GESPAC This unit offers a solution for a remote alarm display to compliment the most common fieldbus or serial networks Simple Type: SPECIALTY PRODUCT Request Quote
GESADC-12A GESPAC GESPAC GESADC-12A Fast 16 Channels, 12-bit Data Acquisition Module Simple Type: Data Acquisition The GESADC-12A module provides the user with a smart and economical solution for analog signal acquisition and conversion into digital information. This board is built around the well known AD1678 analog to digital converter. Analog inputs are possible for 16 single ended channels, or for eight differential channels. Furthermore, an instrumentation amplifier provides additional choices of different selectable gains of 10, 100, 200, or 500. This module is compatible with the G-64/G-96 Bus. Request Quote
GESBUS GESPAC GESPAC GESBUS Interconnection Backplane for G-64 and G-96 Euroboards. Simple Type: Extender / Converter Board Download the datasheet (PDF) Request Quote
GESDAC-2B-9821 GESPAC Gespac GESDAC-2B-9821 Gespac GESDAC-2B-9821 DAC Card Used Working ASM E3000 Simple Type: NYC Request Quote
GESINP-2A GESPAC GESPAC GESINP-2A Industrial Input Module Simple Type: Input Module The GESINP-2A module offers the best solution currently available on the electronic board market with regard to interfacing between the microprocessor and industrial environment, offering a maximum number of inputs on a small surface at low cost. 32 inputs are grouped on one Euroboard, isolated by optocouplers which can work on 12, 24 and 48 V, with a maximum input current of I 5 mA. It is without a doubt the best number of inputs/occupied surface proportion and thus the most economical. Of the 32 input lines, 6 can be connected to certain bus signals such as " Reset ", " Halt " or " Interrupts ". These 6 lines are connected to the signals via a debouncing-circuit in addition to the opto-electric coupling. The input signals are connected by two 26-pin connectors (16 inputs each) compatible with our standard PC board adaptor available as an option (GESICU-1 A). Download the datasheet (PDF) Request Quote
GESINP-2B GESPAC GESPAC GESINP-2B Board Simple Type: Input Board Request Quote
GESMDC-1 GESPAC GESPAC GESMDC-1 G-64/G-96 Bus Floppy Disk & Hard Disk Mass Storage Controller Simple Type: Storage Controller When floppy disk or hard disk mass storage is required in a microprocessor environment, the GESMDC-1 module provides a flexible solution compatible with several types of drives. The GESMDC-1 module is built around the WD37C65 floppy disk controller, which includes features such as a sophisticated on-chip digital phase lock loop with software selectable data rates, and a write precompensation delay to simplify the disk drive interface. The system interfacing is enhanced with the addition of a local RAM buffer of 32 Kbytes for sector buffering, which allows overlapped operations in real time environment. The GESMDC-1 board is fully compatible with the G-64/G-96 bus. Download the datasheet (PDF) Request Quote
GESMEM-12D GESPAC Gespac GESMEM-12D Gespac GESMEM-12D EPROM Card Used Working ASM E3000 Simple Type: NYC Request Quote
GESMPU4B GESPAC PC BOARD Simple Type: TBD Request Quote
GESOUT-3 GESPAC GESPAC GESOUT-3 Board Simple Type: TBD Request Quote
GESPIA-2A GESPAC GESPAC Printed Circuit Board Simple Type: TBD Request Quote
GESSBS-4 GESPAC GESPAC GESSBS-4 Board Simple Type: TBD Request Quote
GESSBS-6A GESPAC GESPAC GESSBS-6A CPU Board. 68000 Single Board System. Simple Type: CPU Board The GESSBS-6A 68000 Single Board System offers unique features available for the first time on single Euroboard format. Built around the 68000 16/32 bit CPU running at 8 MHz or 16 MHz, the module has 256 Kbytes of zero wait-state CMOS static RAM. A power fail logic with the addition of an external battery, protect the integrity of the data stored in CMOS static Ram. Four 32-pin JEDEC sockets allow up to 512 Kbytes of EPROM or 256 Kbytes of EPROM plus 256 Kbytes of static RAM. 8 Mbytes of external memory can be addressed by the GESSBS-6A allowing system RAM extension. Two RS 232-C serial ports are available with an 8530 Serial Communications Controller chip. One channel supports asynchronous and synchronous protocols like monosync, IBM bisync, SDLC and HDLC. The second channel supports only asynchronous protocols. The GESSBS-6A includes two independent 8-bit bidirectional I/O ports and three independent 16-bit counter/timers (8536 CIO chip). A Real-Time-Clock Calendar (NS58274) with an on-board battery backup and Watch Dog circuit are implemented on the module. The GESSBS-6A is fully compatible with the standard G-64 and G-96 Bus. Download the datasheet (PDF) Request Quote
GESSBS-8 GESPAC GESPAC GESSBS-8 CPU Board. General Purpose Single Board System, 16-bit computer system on the G-96 Bus. Simple Type: CPU Board The GESSBS-8 Single Board System is a general purpose, 16-bit computer system on the G-96 Bus. This state-of-the-art product offers unique features in a single Eurocard format. Designed around the powerful 80CI 86 processor running at 16 Mhz, this module has 256 Kbytes of zero wait-state CMOS RAM. Four 32-pin JEDEC sockets support up to 512 Kbytes of EPROM or 256 Kbytes of EPROM plus 256 Kbytes of SRAM. The unused memory area is available on the G-96 Bus in the VMA field and allows system memory extension. All basic 1/0 such as timers, RS-232, interrrupt controllers, Real-time Clock/Calendar, and parallel 1/0 are implemented on-board providing a complete system suited to most embedded applications. Additionally, an 80C187 coprocessor can be added for high performance numerics processing. Download the datasheet (PDF) Request Quote
GESSBS-8256 GESPAC GESPAC GESSBS-8/256 High performance 80C186 CPU Board. single board system (1 6 bits) with 256 K SRAM (TTL version) Simple Type: CPU Board Request Quote
GESSBS-8F256 GESPAC GESPAC GESSBS-8F/256 CPU Board. General Purpose Single Board System, 16-bit computer system on the G-96 Bus with 80C187-16 Numeric Processor Simple Type: CPU Board Request Quote
GESSBS-8LF256 GESPAC GESPAC GESSBS-8LF/256 CPU Board. General Purpose Single Board System, 16-bit computer system on the G-96 Bus with 80C187-16 Numeric Processor Simple Type: CPU Board Request Quote
GESSBS-8U256 GESPAC GESPAC GESSBS-8U256 High performance 80C186 CPU Board. single board system (1 6 bits) with 256 K SRAM (CMOS version) Simple Type: CPU Board Request Quote
GESSIO-2 GESPAC GESPAC GESSIO-2 CPU Board. Single Board System is a general purpose, 16-bit computer system on the G-96 Bus. Simple Type: CPU Board The GESSBS-8 Single Board System is a general purpose, 16-bit computer system on the G-96 Bus. This state-of-the-art product offers unique features in a single Eurocard format. Designed around the powerful 80CI 86 processor running at 16 Mhz, this module has 256 Kbytes of zero wait-state CMOS RAM. Four 32-pin JEDEC sockets support up to 512 Kbytes of EPROM or 256 Kbytes of EPROM plus 256 Kbytes of SRAM. The unused memory area is available on the G-96 Bus in the VMA field and allows system memory extension. All basic 1/0 such as timers, RS-232, interrrupt controllers, Real-time Clock/Calendar, and parallel 1/0 are implemented on-board providing a complete system suited to most embedded applications. Additionally, an 80C187 coprocessor can be added for high performance numerics processing. Download the datasheet (PDF) Request Quote
GSPIA-4 GESPAC Gespac GSPIA-4 Gespac GSPIA-4 PCB 9602 New Simple Type: NYC Request Quote
Main Processor GESPAC Gespac Main Processors Simple Type: Main Processor Request Quote
PCCEXT-58X GESPAC Gespac PCCEXT-58X PC/104 Module | with Standard RS-232/485 16Cx5x 1000V Isolated COM1 & COM2 Ports Simple Type: PC/104 RS-232/485 Module Request Quote
PCIPPC-2 GESPAC GESPAC PCIPPC-2 CompactPCI PowerPC 750 CPU Board | cPCI Single Board Computer with a 3U Eurocard Form Simple Type: CPU Board Request Quote
PCISYS-58AXB9 GESPAC Gespac PCISYS-58AXB9 Fanless cPCI 3U 4HP SBC | with Intel Pentium-MMX LP @ 166MHz | -40° to +85°C Operating Temperature R Simple Type: CPU Board Request Quote
PCISYS-58BXB9 GESPAC Gespac PCISYS-58BXB9 Fanless cPCI 3U 4HP SBC | without Video, with Intel Pentium-MMX LP @ 166MHz | -40° to +85°C Operating Temperature Range Simple Type: CPU Board Request Quote
PCISYS-58X GESPAC Gespac PCISYS-58X Series 3U CompactPCI CPU Board based on the rugged Intel Pentium MMX fanless processor running at 166MHz. Simple Type: CPU Board GESPAC's PCISYS-58X is a Single Slot 3U CompactPCI CPU Board based on the rugged Intel Pentium MMX fanless processor running at 166MHz. Ideally suited for systems requiring reliability and small, robust form factor, the PCISYS-58X is a perfect fit for industrial embedded real time machine control, industrial automation, transportation, defence and any other harsh environment targeted applications. Download the datasheet (PDF) Request Quote