RGT Technology, LLC . . .



Part Number GML2427
Manufacturer MAG
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MAG GML2427 Display - 24inch Wide LCD LED backlight HDMI 1920x1080(HD) 10000000:1 170/160 16:9 2ms (GTG) Simple Type: Display The 24-inch Mag GML2427 has a glossy, black chassis. Despite its 0.8-inch panel depth, it has a somewhat boxy look. The panel width measures 22 inches, and the surface of the screen is a slightly frosted and smooth matte; its bezel measures 0.75 inch long on all sides. The distance from the bottom of the bezel to the desktop is 2 inches. The panel tilts back about 25 degrees, but unfortunately, there's no pivot, swivel, or screen height adjustment. On its back sits a 7-inch-by-7-inch panel that protrudes about 0.5 inch from the display and houses the connection options: VGA and HDMI, but no DVI port. Accessing these connections was easy, since they face directly back, and not down as on most monitors. The panel has four screw holes for mounting the display (VESA style) on the wall. The circular footstand measures about 8.75 inches in diameter. When knocked from the side, wobbling proved prevalent; however, thanks to the screen's low and fixed height, it never felt in danger of toppling. The onscreen display follows a simple design that takes some getting used to. The OSD array consists of a Menu button, an Up and Down button, and an Auto button, with each button located on the bottom right-hand side of the bezel. With no "back" button, it's necessary to navigate to "Exit" to leave a menu screen, a process that proved more and more tedious each time it was needed. Its picture options consist of brightness and contrast, and you can set the color tone to Cool, Native, Warm, or SRGB. We found the Warm setting by far the best of the bunch, as Cool--the default setting--had a much too bluish tint. Also included are settings letting you change the red, green, and blue attributes individually. There are four presets, including Night, Scenery, Theater, Game, in addition to a Dynamic Contrast setting that works independently of the current preset. Each preset changes the color temperature and brightness of the display to be appropriate to the task. The Mag GML2427's 16:9 aspect ratio has a 1,920x1,080-pixel native resolution. The 16:9 aspect ratio trend currently sweeping the monitor market has given many smaller displays higher resolutions than they were capable of at 16:10 aspect ratio. A 22-inch monitor with a 16:9 aspect ratio now has a potential high-definition, native resolution of 1,920x1,080 pixels (1080p) as opposed to 1,680x1,050 pixels.

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