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Part Number BJ376HS
Manufacturer KEHINDTON
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Trompeter Electronics BJ376HS Connector, standard TRB/MIL-C-49142, glass to metal seals, sustains extreme temperature ranges, standard brass body, and gold plated contacts. It has a wide range of application usage, is more cost effective than stainless steel, has reliable connections, and is one of the most mechanical and environmental reliable method. Simple Type: TBD Hermetic seals prevent leakage through the bulkhead from inside of the connector. Trompeter's miniature size hermetically sealed connectors include the feed-through BJ78HS, the front mounted BJ77HS, the rear mounted BJ79HS, and the newly designed threaded BJ379HS. These connectors are designed for bulkhead mounting in vacuum chambers, or where toxic and other gases are present. The hermetically sealed miniature TWINAX/TRIAX BJ376HS Connector is great and also threaded. Download the datasheet (PDF)

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