RGT Technology, LLC . . .



Part Number EF1033C10
Manufacturer JMK
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FILTER MODULE Simple Type: Filter

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JMK ZA-1193-3 - The ZA -1193-3 is an interference filter specifically designed for use in the automotive environment. Simple Type: Accessory The ZA -1193-3 is an interference filter specifically designed for use in the automotive environment. The filter will attenuate noise frequencies as low as 100 Hz and beyond 1.0 Ghz. Three (3) amps is the normal maximum operating current however fault currents in excess of 10 amps can be handled indefinitely. The 60 volt operating voltage assures you a fault free performance in the most severe automotive electrical noise environments. If you need a different configuration or different electrical specifications contact our engineering department. They will be happy to help you meet requirements in an efficiently and economically.


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