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Part Number G4V620-B-G
Manufacturer ITOX
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ITOX G4V620-B-G ATX CPU Board | Industrial ATX Motherboard | Supports Socket 478 | P4 with HTT | with Intel 845GV Chipset 400/533 FSB | 2 GB Max. RAM, Video, 2 ISA Slots, 1 Shared Slot, 3 PCI Slots, 1 LAN 1/1 COM | AC' 97 Audio | 4/2 USB, CompactFlash TV, FLTP, DVO Simple Type: CPU Board ITOX, a DFI company, is recognized throughout the industry as a leading supplier of x86 embedded motherboards for use in OEM environments including medical electronics, industrial control, security, telecom, ATM/POS, gaming, and kiosk systems. Established in 1981, DFI, Inc. is a worldwide “Top 10” manufacturer of computer motherboards. DFI-ITOX uses only processors and chipsets listed on Intel’s Embedded Architecture Roadmap in all designs, and guarantees product availability for three to five years. Download the datasheet (PDF)

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