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Part Number A24U-G2421-1
Manufacturer INFORTREND
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INFORTREND A24U-G2421-1 System - 4U Profile, 24-bay Single-controller SCSI-320 to SATA-II RAID Subsystem Simple Type: System The EonStor A24U-G2421 provides unprecedented performance through full utilization of its 640MB/s host bandwidth with the computing power managing a massive capacity of 24 SATA disk drives. The subsystem handles the 12TB of raw capacity with ease, using the dual PCI-X, custom-built ASIC266 architecture that is renowned for its ample margins, flexible load-balancing, and multi-pathing algorithms. Boasting a 2GB internal bandwidth, the dedicated ASIC architecture makes the subsystem ideal for a wide range of applications such as data archiving, backup and restore, near-line DAS, and any environment where cost-effective, mass storage is required. Download the datasheet (PDF)

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