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Part Number A12UA08U-G2421
Manufacturer INFORTREND
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Infortrend A12U/A08U-G2421 2U Profile SCSI to SATA-II 12- or 8-drive RAID Subsystem Simple Type: RAID Subsystem The EonStor A12U/A08U-G2421 is designed using Infortrend's next-generation custom ASIC266 as a dedicated XOR engine, the EonStor A12U and A08U provide ample margins for flexible loadbalancing and multi-pathing algorithms. Boasting a 2GB internal system bandwidth, the dedicated ASIC architecture frees the PowerPC CPU of XOR computing load and features abundant throughput sufficient for the subsystem's various data protection procedures with minimum disturbance to host access. Download the datasheet (PDF)

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